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Cost of Eyelid Surgery

The cost of eyelid surgery is determined by the purpose of the procedure, the complexity of the surgery, the surgeon, a patient's geographic location, and the payment method a patient chooses. Statistics reveal that in 2003, a total of seven hundred million dollars was spent on the cost of eyelid surgery in the United States. In 2003, the national cost of eyelid surgery averaged approximately four thousand dollars for both upper and lower eyelid procedures.

The cost of eyelid surgery can depend on the purpose of the procedure. Eyelid surgery can be performed for cosmetic purposes. People who have droopy eyelids or puffiness under their eyes can aesthetically enhance their appearance through eyelid surgery. When eyelid surgery is performed for cosmetic purposes, the cost of eyelid surgery will be covered by the individual patient. When eyelid surgery is deemed medically necessary, most insurance companies will cover the cost of eyelid surgery. The following conditions may necessitate reconstructive eyelid surgery: ectropion, entropion, ptosis, skin cancer, and physical trauma.

The cost of eyelid surgery can also be determined, in part, by a patient's geographical location and the actual surgeon who is performing the eyelid surgery. Some rural areas may have a lower availability of qualified surgeons while major metropolitan areas may have a greater level of competition among qualified professionals. This can affect the cost of eyelid surgery. Individual surgeons will also vary the cost of eyelid surgery at their discretion.

The most important factor to consider when choosing an eyelid surgeon is not the cost of eyelid surgery but rather the quality of the doctor. Every patient deserves a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon that puts their best interests first. Basing your cosmetic surgery decisions on the cost of eyelid surgery may adversely affect the patient's surgical experience.

The cost of eyelid surgery is also determined by a number of related costs. The aforementioned national average for 2003 was the cost of eyelid surgery alone. The cost of surgeon fees, anesthesia fees, facility expenses, medication costs, and related charges are not included in this estimated cost of eyelid surgery. These fees can add another one to four thousand dollars onto the cost of eyelid surgery.

The overall cost of eyelid surgery is also determined by the nature of a patient's procedure. Some patients need only to have the upper or lower eyelids enhanced, which reduces the total cost of eyelid surgery. The average cost of eyelid surgery for a mini-procedure ranges between two and three thousand dollars for the procedure itself.

The cost of eyelid surgery can also depend on a patient's method of payment. A good surgeon will work with patients on an individual level to discover the best way to cover the cost of eyelid surgery. To speak with an experienced plastic surgeon near you, please contact us to learn more about the procedure and the cost of eyelid surgery.