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Inner thigh liposuction

The inner thighs are a common problem area among women desire liposuction. Inner thigh liposuction can drastically improve the shape of the thigh, and reduce the rubbing together of the inner thighs. Ideally, after inner thigh liposuction there should be no visible evidence of a surgical procedure, no significant lumpiness, or irregularity of shape. Though primarily performed on women, male patients have undergone inner thigh liposuction.

Usually women who decide to get inner thigh liposuction have fat that runs over the length of the inner thigh and knee. Treating the inner thigh and inner knee at separate time can result in disproportion at the area where no liposuction was performed. The treatment of the inner thighs and inner knees are often performed at the same time to create an overall slimming effect. When liposuction of the both the inner thigh and knee areas is needed, then liposuction over the entire combined area permits more complete liposuction with smoother results.

The results of inner thigh liposuction are extremely dependent upon the diameter of the liposuction cannula. Surface irregularities can be caused by large cannulas. Fat of the inner thighs has a tender, jelly-like quality and few fibrous tissues. Because it's easily and rapidly removed localized areas of excessive liposuction may result if large cannulas are used or if liposuction is not done carefully. Micro-cannulas permit inner thigh liposuction in small incremental amounts and careful attention to detail, resulting in exceptionally smooth results.

When general anesthesia is used, a breathing-tube must be inserted into the trachea or windpipe, and it is safest to have the patient positioned lying on the back. However, inner thigh liposuction performed with the patient lying on her back does not allow sufficient access to the fat on the posterior portion of the inner thighs which therefore is often insufficiently treated. Moving a patient onto her side is dangerous because changing position might dislodge the breathing-tube and impair oxygen delivery. Treating the entire inner thigh with the patient on her back produces poor results with fat removal from the posterior inner thigh. Inner thigh liposuction using local anesthesia and micro-cannulas seem to be the optimal choice for this type of procedure.

The best results for women receiving inner thigh liposuction are those who have prominent inner thigh fat and good skin elasticity. In older women, and especially in women who have lost a considerable amount of weight, the skin overlying the anterior portion of the inner thigh tends to be wrinkled and will need additional procedures to tighten the skin. Inner thigh liposuction can worsen the degree of wrinkling. Those with anterior inner thighs already showing some degree of wrinkling should know that liposuction may improve the shape of the thigh, but at the same time intensify the wrinkled appearance of the skin.

Postoperative care for the inner thighs liposuction is simple and designed so that most patients can change dressings easily, and without assistance. Recovery time is rapid provided that the surgeon has done some liposuction from an incision placed along the most dependent margin of the treated area, and that this incision has not been sutured. Many women choose to wear the garments beyond the minimum time because of the comfort and security provided by the garments. An experienced, board-certified surgeon can help choose the best technique for you. The surgeon's choice will be determined by a combination of factors including the precise area to be treated, the amount of fat to be removed, and your preferences.