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Side Effects of Hylaform

As with any medical treatment, there are side effects of hylaform that patients should understand before seeking this treatment. Hylaform is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that is performed to enhance facial features by reducing the appearance of wrinkles to create a smoother softer look. Hylaform treatment can also enhance the appearance of the lips. Hylaform is a dermal filler composed of hyaluronic acid, which is a natural sugar in the body that adds volume to the skin. The FDA approved Hylaform in 2004 as a safe and effective wrinkle corrector and lip enhancer.

Hylaform is made from the hyaluronic acid from avian species (birds). People with an allergy to birds may have an increased risk of side effects from hylaform, as this treatment may also induce an allergic response. There are also other people that may experience side effects from hylaform. People who have a skin disease near the area they wish to have treated may not be appropriate candidates for this procedure because of the potential side effects of hylaform. People who are on an anticoagulant therapy may also be at an increased risk of side effect of hylaform. Hylaform has also not been tested on pregnant women.

Side effects of hylaform are generally rare, but there are some side effects that can be caused by the procedure itself or mistakes made while performing this technique. Because hylaform is injected into the skin, side effects of hylaform can be the result of the injection process itself. In clinical trials, approximately two percent of the patient population experienced swelling after hylaform treatment. This side effect is generally mild as are most of the side effects of hylaform. Approximately five percent of clinical trial patients develop acneform lesions after hylaform treatments. These types of side effects of hylaform occur following the injection process and last no longer than two months maximum.

Side effects of hylaform can also include redness, bruising, and bleeding in the injection area, though these are not very common. In more extreme cases, side effects of hylaform can also include a condition known as erythema. There can also be side effects from hylaform that are caused when a surgeon inadvertently hits a blood vessel while administering treatment. If a blood vessel is hit, a patient may experience permanent discoloration of the skin, scabbing, or scarring. When performed by an experienced competent surgeon, the risk of suffering these side effects of hylaform are very rare.

While there are some side effects of hylaform that pose a minor risk to patients, there are also a number of dramatic benefits from this cosmetic procedure. This procedure is non invasive and does not require a significant recovery period. Patients are able to resume normal activities almost immediately after this procedure. This procedure does not require an allergy test or a general anesthetic, which reduces some of the potential side effects of hylaform. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons predicts that the popularity of hylaform will soon exceed that of other similar procedures such as collagen injections. For more information on hylaform, please contact us to confer with a qualified cosmetic surgeon in your area.