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Sclerotherapy Complications
Complications from sclerotherapy range from common temporary problems such as bruising to the more serious (and rare) complications from sclerotherapy such as ulceration or pulmonary embolus.
Patients who are considering sclerotherapy should discuss complications from sclerotherapy thoroughly with their doctors prior to scheduling the procedure, and may wish to investigate complications from sclerotherapy on their own. Individuals should understand their own chances of experiencing the potential complications from sclerotherapy, which may be greater for certain persons, due to pre-existing medical conditions or other factors. Complications from sclerotherapy that many patients experience include pain, bruising, and itching, all of which are temporary complications from sclerotherapy, are easily treated with over-the-counter medications, and are usually resolved within a matter of days. Complications from sclerotherapy that last slightly longer include hyperpigmentation and telangiectatic matting. Both of these are treatable complications from sclerotherapy, although they often heal on their own. Very rarely, patients will experience the more severe complications from sclerotherapy: ulceration, allergic reaction, or pulmonary embolus. The vast majority of patients never go through complications from sclerotherapy that are this serious, and even these side effects are normally easily treated. Potential complications from sclerotherapy make following the doctor's post-operative instructions very important, and patients should report any suspected complications from sclerotherapy as soon as possible to help avoid serious problems.
To learn more about various complications from sclerotherapy, individuals may wish to contact a doctor who is familiar with the range of complications from sclerotherapy and who can advise individuals of their own potential risk based upon various factors.