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A large jaw is often thought of as a masculine feature. In fact, there aren't very many women who will complain about not having a large jaw, but a weak jaw can take away from an otherwise beautiful face. Even if all of your other facial features are close to perfect, a weak jaw takes away the sense of balance and creates an asymmetrical face. A weak jaw can affect the way your other features appear, making normal noses appears large, already prominent noses seem even larger, and the neck appear fleshy. On the other hand, a jaw that is too prominent can give a woman the appearance of being "overly" masculine. The desired goal should be a balanced relationship between the structure of the face and its features.

Jaw implants use synthetic or biological materials to augment, or make the mandible structure of the face more prominent. Jaw implants can give balance to an otherwise less defined face, or further enhance an already existent mandible structure.

Jaw implants may also enhance the face with a combination of chin or cheek augmentation to balance out the features. It's actually very common to schedule jaw implants in conjunction with chin augmentation. An experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon can help determine your needs by examining your facial structure and photographs of your face. By superimposing a grid on a photograph of your face, the surgeon can measure the distances between each facial feature and use computer imagery to illustrate the possibilities of your new look. Although the surgery's outcome won't be completely accurate to the computer imaging, it gives a basic idea of the results of jaw implants. The computer imaging is only an approximation, but it can be used to help communicate the desired outcome of your jaw implants to your surgeon.

Prior to undergoing jaw implant surgery you must have reasonable expectations. Speaking generally, this means you must be in top physical and emotional health, have elastic skin, and no previous existing medical conditions or bone disorders. The acne medicine Accutane may cause excessive facial bone growth and excess scarring in some patients. If you have been taking Accutane for the last 6 months you probably are not a good candidate for jaw implants.

An experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon can determine if you are a good candidate for jaw implants after speaking to you. They will also go over your medical history and examine your facial structure and skin. No plastic surgeon can perform miracles but a highly skilled surgeon can transfer your existing features into a more balanced look.

Mental and emotional stability is a required to undergo a cosmetic surgery procedure such as jaw implants. The jaw implant procedure is an operation that requires patience and stability in dealing with the healing period. Jaw implant surgery can be followed by depression, and if there is already a pre-existing emotional problem, this depression can develop into a more serious issue.

If you have the desire for a stronger, more defined jaw line, you may be a good candidate for jaw implants. The jaw implants are placed directly on the jawbone to create a stronger, squarer, and more defined jaw line. The jaw implant procedure takes one to two hours. Incisions are made inside the lower lip and a pocket is created, into which the jaw implant is inserted. After jaw implant surgery, movement of your mouth and lips may be limited and you will have dietary restrictions. Swelling can be significant following jaw implant surgery. While most of the swelling will subside in the first week, you may experience mild swelling over several months.

Although there is normally no extensive pain related to jaw implantation, pain medication is prescribed beforehand. Your surgeon may also prescribe pharmaceutical grade Arnica montana, a homeopathic herb, to reduce swelling and bruising. You may feel a degree of numbness after the jaw implant surgery, but that should disappear within 1-3 months. You may continue to wear a support brace while you sleep to allow your tissues and implant to heal in the desired position and prevent shifting in the first few weeks.

Like all surgeries, jaw implant surgery has possible complications. There is a chance of blood clots, seroma, numbness from nerve damage, and permanent discolorations caused by the bruising. There is also the risk of implant shifting which may require additional surgery to reposition the implant. There is the chance of your disapproval, which may result in re-operation or removal.

Jaw implants can create remarkable changes by adding balance and definition to other underdeveloped features of the face. In most cases, jaw implant surgery is performed on an outpatient basis, though an overnight stay may be necessary if other procedures are performed at the same time. Consult with an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon to see if you are a candidate for jaw implant surgery.