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Facelift Recovery

Conventional facelift recovery used to take up to two to three weeks, but with more and more minimally invasive procedures being performed, facelift recovery time has gotten shorter. Since many men and women do not always need the full facelift, there are various options available today to improve appearance to a more youthful, rested look than by having to endure surgery under a general anesthesia with a longer facelift recovery period.

With more cosmetic surgery candidates choosing to benefit from procedures at an earlier age in order to take a more preventative approach to cosmetic surgery, mini-procedures that provide a more subtle lift is associated to a quicker facelift recovery. When patients choose the less invasive, quick facelift recovery procedures, within days, or even within minutes, they can enjoy their more youthful appearance.

A recent study shows there is a new breed of cosmetic surgery patients who do not want to wait for a full facelift when they are 50 but instead reverse aging by undergoing a few mini-procedures, one at a time as signs of aging begin to appear. The facelift recovery time is reduced, so the downtime is reduced, the procedures are minimally invasive and the patient appears more rested and youthful without anyone having to even know about the procedures.

The "weekend facelift", is a newer facelift that predominantly helps the lower half of the face. Jowls and loose skin in the neck are targeted with the weekend facelift that is performed under just a local anesthesia through little, easily hidden incisions in the hairline. Not only is the discomfort minimal, but also within two days a facelift recovery for this type of procedure allows the patient to return to work with a significantly improved appearance.

There have been major advances in cosmetic surgery, and according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery there has been a 293 percent increase in the total number of cosmetic procedures since 1997 to 2003, with non-surgical techniques reflecting the most significant increase with a 471 percent rise. As a result, not just minimally invasive facelift procedures have become available, but non-surgical "lunch-time facelifts", that have no facelift recovery downtime.

Using no incisions and having no anesthesia required, regular sutures or threads placed under the skin perform the lifted appearance and takes just 30 minutes to perform. Even though only surgical facelifts will be able to allow noticeably improved results for advanced signs of aging, the lunchtime lift is intended for the patients who have not yet seen more severe wrinkles and drooping.

Advances in cosmetic surgery are happening so quickly the number of options available to achieve a facelift with varying levels of invasiveness and facelift recovery time has better ensured that patients of all types can obtain their plastic surgery goals.