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Plastic Surgery Nose

Rhinoplasty uses surgical techniques to reshape the nose. Relatively low costs and permanent results make rhinoplasty one of the most popular plastic surgeries performed in the United States every year.

Rhinoplasty allows patients the opportunity to reshape their noses to a more pleasing appearance, but some rhinoplasty procedures can also reconstruct the nasal passages to improve breathing. Individuals who are considering undergoing a rhinoplasty procedure should have a clear idea of the results that they want, while understanding that rhinoplasty surgery has limitations. A consultation with a plastic surgeon will help prospective patients understand rhinoplasty surgery, and determine whether they are suitable candidates for the procedure. Among the factors a rhinoplasty surgeon takes into account are skin type and the size and shape of the nose. Rhinoplasty candidates also undergo an examination of the internal nasal structure, and procedures other than rhinoplasty may be suggested to create or maintain a harmonious balance among the various facial structures. Rhinoplasty patients may benefit from chin surgery, for instance. Patients who are determined to be good rhinoplasty candidates will then develop an individualized surgical plan and set a date for the rhinoplasty.

Depending upon the goals of the surgery, there will be some variations in the rhinoplasty procedure. Any incisions made are usually very inconspicuous, concealed inside the nose, or in creases. Rhinoplasty incisions allow the surgeon to access the cartilage and bone that form the nasal framework; rhinoplasty to reduce nostril size will often remove small wedges from the base of the nose. Rhinoplasty surgeons remove, add, or reshape existing nose tissue to adjust the size and shape. After rhinoplasty, the skin and soft tissues will re-form over the new nasal framework created by the rhinoplasty surgeon. Once the surgery is complete, sutures will hold the tissue in place, and the rhinoplasty work is often protected by a splint for the first few days. For a rhinoplasty designed to improve breathing, packing is usually placed inside the nostrils.

Recovery from a rhinoplasty procedure occurs in stages and the amount of time required for each stage of rhinoplasty recovery varies by individual. Bruising around the eyes usually fades within a week of rhinoplasty, although noticeable swelling may last for several weeks. Packing and stitches used in rhinoplasty are removed three to seven days after surgery, and a week to ten days after rhinoplasty, you should be able to return to work. The skin of the nose after a rhinoplasty procedure is very sensitive, and sun block is necessary for the first months after surgery. Final rhinoplasty results may not appear for up to a year, but most rhinoplasty patients begin to enjoy their new look within weeks of surgery.

For more information about rhinoplasty, you may wish to contact a plastic surgeon that is familiar with rhinoplasty procedures and techniques. Because the results of each surgery depend upon the individual patient, a rhinoplasty surgeon will need to see you to discuss how you might personally benefit from this procedure.